
「女性」は日本の象徴である天皇になれない「ジェンダー平等が遅れた国、日本」をみんなの声で変えよう!!! 皇室典範第一条から「男系男子」の規定を削除し、愛子さま立太子への署名をお願いします!!!
- 提出先:安定的な皇位継承確保に関する懇談会事務局 内閣府「男女共同参画局」「男女共同参画局女子差別撤廃委員会(※提出完了 国連女性差別撤廃委員会宛)」

■ 各メディアの世論調査では約9割の国民が女性天皇を支持しています
■ 解決方法は「皇室典範 第一条」を改定することです
1947年、男性にのみ皇位継承権があると定めた法律「皇室典範 第一条 皇位は、皇統に属する男系の男子が、これを継承する。」が定められました。この条文は明治22年(1889年)に定められた大日本帝国憲法「第2条皇位ハ皇室典範ノ定ムル所ニ依リ皇男子孫之ヲ継承ス」から踏襲されています。
日本国憲法第二条に皇位継承は「世襲」とだけ定められていますが、憲法十四条には「第十四条 すべて国民は、法の下に平等であって、人種、信条、性別、社会的身分又は門地により、政治的、経済的又は社会的関係において、差別されない。」とも定められています。
■ ひとりでも多くの方に男女平等への思いを署名に託していただきたい
女性天皇を実現するためには、憲法の理念に基づいて、皇室典範第一条を「皇室典範 第一条 皇位は、皇統に属する男系男子、これを継承する。」という一文を改定すればいいのです。皇室典範は憲法とは異なり、国会の衆議院、参議院で過半数の賛成が得られれば改正は可能です。
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11月3日 #愛子天皇を支持する会 発起人 一ノ瀬 知美

We would like CEDAW to know Japan’s Imperial succession rule is still standing on serious gender discrimination. Japanese are living in a country where “women” cannot be the emperor, the symbol of Japan!
In my opinion, this is because the Japanese
government (dominated by LDP politicians with a very large percentage of older
men) is strongly biased against gender discrimination.
We would like to have a warning from the
CEDAW to the Japanese government regarding the revision of the Imperial
Household Law, which limits the succession to the throne to males only as a
violation of gender equality.
We, Association in Support of Aiko's Rising
Crown Princess, is the civil group who want Princess Aiko to succeed the Imperial
Throne, by revising the Imperial Household Law removing “male only” provision from it.
We have started the signature campaign for
the petition to remove the “male only” provision from Article 1 of the Imperial Household Law and to allow
Princess Aiko to succeed the Imperial throne, since June 1, 2024. And we have
collected 10,964 signs from Japanese citizens as of today.
But politicians of the LDP party would
never accept the petition so it will not be discussed in the diet.
Here is the situation about Japanese
imperial succession.
■ Do you know that Princess Aiko cannot be
the Future Emperor “BECAUSE SHE IS A WOMAN”?
Some of you who live in more gender equal
countries than Japan, may think that Princess Aiko, the only child of Emperor
Naruhito and Empress Masako, would be the next Emperor of Japan.
But it’s not.
According to the current Japanese Imperial Household Law, Princess Aiko cannot
be the next Emperor because she is a "WOMAN".!
"Princess Aiko” is excluded from the right of succession to the throne simply
because she is a ‘WOMAN’ and is
not allowed to succeed to the throne under current law.
If Princess Aiko were biologically male,
she would be assigned to be the next in line to the throne with no argument,
and would have been crowned Crown Prince upon his father, Emperor Naruhito's
accession to the throne.
By today's social standards of gender
equality, isn't this discrimination against women?
About half of Japan's population is female
like many other countries.
Limiting the imperial successors to the
throne to male heirs only is the same thing as sending a message of Japan's
gender discrimination to the world that women cannot be the symbol of the
nation and females cannot be the head of state of Japan.
This is what we want to change.
■ According to public opinion polls
conducted by various media, approximately 90% of the public supports a female
According to a nationwide mail poll
published by Kyodo News on April 27, 2024, approximately 90% of respondents
agreed with the idea of supporting a female emperor.
In other words, the overwhelming majority
of the Japanese public supports a female emperor.
However, politicians are not listening to
the overwhelming voice of the public and are sticking to the “male-male line of succession.
Why is this?
It was not until the Meiji era (from
1868-until 1912) that (the former constitution of Japan, which is the
Constitution of the Empire of Japan) stipulated that only men could be
Looking back in history, there have been 8
female emperors prior to the Meiji era.
But the Japanese government is treating
this very temporary “male-male line of succession
rule" that arose in the long history of the imperial lineage, which is
said to be over 2,600 years, as if it were a tradition that can never be
■The solution is quite easy, just to revise
Article 1 of the Imperial Household Law.
Article 1 of the Constitution states, “The Emperor is the symbol of Japan and of the unity of the Japanese
This position is based on the consensus of
the people of Japan, who have sovereignty over the country.
In other words, according to the
Constitution, both of male and female can be the emperor if the person can get
the consensus from the Japanese public.
And the most important thing is that the
future Emperor needs to have the consensus from the Japanese public, to succeed
to the throne.
Although she does not currently have the
right to succeed to the throne, Princess Aiko would be the only one who could
fulfill the constitutional requirement of obtaining the consensus of the
Japanese people.
Furthermore, Article II of the Constitution
stipulates that the emperor is hereditary. However, it only stipulates “hereditary succession” and does not specify
the gender of the emperor.
The Constitution does not specify the
gender of the emperor, but its subordinate law, the Imperial Household Law,
limits the position to male only, which is in violation of the Constitution.
In 1947, a law stipulating that only males
have the right to succeed to the Imperial Throne was enacted, which says “The Imperial Throne shall be succeeded by a male member of the
imperial lineage.
This article was taken from the Imperial
Japanese Constitution of 1889, which stipulated that “The
Imperial Throne shall be succeeded by male descendants of the Imperial Family
in accordance with the provisions of the Imperial Household Law.
The social conditions of the Meiji era,
which is 135 years ago, were very different from those of today.
The “concubine
system” is already abolished, and it will be
biologically difficult to continue the imperial lineage with a male only
As long as we continue to insist on the “male only lineage,” the number of successors
to the throne will decline and the imperial line will remain unstable.
Or, a princess who marries a man with the
right to the throne is always forced to give birth to a boy, and even
gender-selected birth can occur in order to have a boy, officially approved by
the government. Gender selected birth may have actually occurred in the past.
This is highly unethical.
A law that recognizes the right of male
lineage to the throne but not female lineage is nothing more than an
If the law is outdated and complicates
matters, it needs to be updated to allow succession to the throne regardless of
Article 2 of the Constitution of Japan
stipulates only that the succession to the throne is “hereditary,” and Article 14 of the Constitution also stipulates that “All citizens are equal under the law and shall not be discriminated
against in political, economic, or social relations on the basis of race,
creed, sex, social status, or family origin.” The law
also stipulates that “all citizens are equal under the
law and shall not be discriminated against in political, economic or social
relations on the basis of race, creed, sex, social status or family origin.
In 1985, Japan ratified the Convention on
the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.
Some people believe that the Imperial
Household Law, which stipulates that male lineage children have the right to
succeed to the Imperial Throne, is unconstitutional because it violates the
principles of Article 14 of the Constitution and the Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.
We hope that as many people as possible
will recognize that the Japanese “male only imperial
succession” is not the tradition but gender
discrimination against women.
In order to realize a female emperor, based
on the principles of the Constitution, Article 1 of the Imperial Household Law
should be revised to read, “The Imperial Throne shall
be succeeded by a member of the imperial lineage.”
The Imperial Household Law differs from the
Constitution. Unlike the Constitution, the Imperial House Law can be amended by
a majority vote in the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors.
The process of revising Imperial Household
Law is not so difficult, as mentioned, but why are the Japanese politicians so
reluctant to make the change?
We assume this is because no politicians
want to take the responsibilities.
To break through the situation, we believe
the warning from CEDAW will be a good pressure for them.
The Japanese Constitution states that the
emperor is the symbol of Japan. If the Imperial House Law were amended to allow
a woman to become the emperor and symbol of Japan, it would be a big step
towards the "society in which all women can shine," which is what the
Japanese government is promoting, whose gender gap is 118th in the